

When we think about feeling “pressured,” the immediate connotation is usually a negative one. Understandably so — if given a choice, many would opt not to feel pressure in any situation; it’s not an exceptionally comfortable emotion. Nonetheless, it can be helpful in all facets of life, especially regarding your career journey.

  1. Character over comfort

To an extent, it is a choice. You can go through life prioritizing short-term comfort and avoiding situations that bring a high level of pressure. Still, it probably won’t be a very fulfilling experience. It’s natural to prefer easy and comfortable situations — it’s only human. Unfortunately, you’ll have to endure and welcome the more challenging experiences to spur character development and growth.

When I think about the moments in my life where I’ve felt most proud of myself or come to the most rewarding outcome, not one of them was able to happen without hard work leading up to it. I’ve never regretted putting myself in a position under pressure, and I will continue to do so whenever the opportunity arises.

2. Training the muscle

As with so many things, working through pressure gets easier with practice. It’s like a muscle or a skill — you have to train it to strengthen it. No one is walking into the weight room for the first time and squatting with 400 pounds, nor would it be recommended. Without training, you’re only going to hurt yourself.

There’s a reason Lionel Messi is consistently chosen to take penalty kicks; he’s taken so many before and has found a way to be comfortable and successful through what’s arguably the most pressure-inducing moment of the game. He’s been put in the situation before and risen to the challenge repeatedly in a way other players haven’t mastered yet.

3. Managing pressure

If you are someone who experiences a high level of pressure regularly, chances are that you’re also consistently trying to do better in most facets of life — the two tend to go hand-in-hand. Even when you lean into the positive side of it, you’ll still need to find a way of managing that pressure. Different people have different strategies, but something I’ve found crucial is recognizing the adrenaline that comes with the feeling of pressure. On a physical level, the fear you might feel during those moments is not all that different from the feeling you get when you’re excited, like climbing the highest point of a rollercoaster. The trick is channeling that adrenaline towards the latter and using it to fuel excitement rather than fear. Think about what could go right rather than what could go wrong, or if that proves too difficult, let yourself think about what could go wrong and walk yourself through it anyway to feel more prepared.


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