Life Style

Vee Mampeezy Launches New Energy Drink

Vee Mampeezy launches new energy drink. Vee Mampeezy real names Odirile Sento is on a steadfast multi income journey following the launch of his water line ‘Maveeta’ early 2021; after striking a lucrative distribution deal with supermarket giant, Choppies. The music maestro has done it again this time unleashing a new energy drink product into the market called ‘Vee Power’. The drink comes in two different flavors and is scheduled to be available on shelves beginning September 2021.

The energy drink joins his other products that make up the Vee Family Products which also include an Vee Aloe Vera Drink, Maveeta mineral water and Vitamin C. Interestingly, Maveeta  is a product that Vee Mampeezy started way back in 2008 and is now available in 500ml, 1.5L and 5L bottles. Vee Mampeezy has shown that diversity is key more so that government has no prospects of opening up the  entertainment industry anytime soon due to continued Covid-19 regulations and a ban on large gatherings.

It is safe to say that the hardships endured in December 2020 fueled the much decorated artist to think outside the box to fend for his loved ones. In December 2020 Vee Mampeezy was quoted on how hurt he was at his inability to afford tomato sauce for his children because of financial constraints as the entertainment industry had been hit by Covid-19 restrictions. A business man of note, Vee Mampeezy uses social media to his advantage to push the popularity of his products which his fans and followers have welcomed with open arms.

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