
Is Piggery Farming Viable In 2021?

Is piggery farming viable in 2021? Agriculture in Botswana contributes a significant amount towards the nation’s GDP; as such any venture in anyone of the various fields is viable. However some sectors are more viable than others while some have odds that outweigh the advantages. The value of pork is high in Botswana because there are limited suppliers and piggery farmers. However more and more young farmers are taking a keen interest in farming, hence you may find yourself wondering  if it is still a field worth pursuing. 

It Can Work For You If;

  • Pig farming can be very profitable if you process meat yourself
  • There are several best pig farming strategies
  • Acquiring own customers and meat buyers is crucial for profitable farming
  • It is necessary for pig farming to meet specific legal and sanitary requirements

Pig farming can also earn in other ways than selling pork (raw, frozen or processed). Pig farmers can make money through selling newborn pigs and selling pig manure which is used for fertilizing. It depends on you which of these things you make the main source of income, most often you can earn on them simultaneously. But definitely the main element of income is meat, which is why we will focus on meat here. Pig meat that is processed by making bacon, sausages, etc. will be worth a lot more. The most suitable strategy for successful commercial pig production is to choose areas near population centres or cities from where improved production techniques and better breeding stock can be gradually disseminated to the pig farmers living in remote rural areas.

According to experts, it is worth noting that the profitability of the pork industry is directly related to grain prices prices on the market. When market prices for pigs are high and grain prices are low, then profitability is the highest.

You can secure funding for your piggery farming project from the Citizen Entrepreneurial development Agency (CEDA)


  • The scale of production will be determined based on the scale of operations and viability.
  • There must an abattoir within the sub district otherwise an abattoir must be included as part of the budget.
  • An abattoir should meet the minimum standards as stipulated by the Livestock and Meat Industries Act.
  • Reliable source of water.


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